Skyguard NT Blue / Grey Frame + Lens PC Clear, Uvex Supravision HC-AF
Protects against liquid droplets, splashes and large dust particles
Ultravision Transparent Green + Lens Infradur PLUS, Welding Shade 5, Uvex Supravision HC-AF
Mouth Shield only for 9301 (Simply clips into 9301 Goggles)
Carbonvision Black / Grey Frame + Lens PC Clear, Uvex Supravision Extreme
Faceguard only for 9301 (Simply clips into 9301 Polycarbonate Goggles)
Ultravision Transparent Grey + Lens PC Clear, Uvex Supravision HC-AF MEDIUM IMPACT
Ultrasonic flip-up Green / Black Frame + Lens PC Clear, Uvex Supravision HC-AF flip-up PC Grey Welding Shade 3, Infradur PLUS
Ultravision Transparent Grey with foam cushioning + Lens CA Clear, Non-fogging LOW IMPACT
Ultrasonic Orange / Grey Frame + Lens PC Clear, Uvex Supravision HC-AF
Ultrasonic CR White / Transparent + Lens PC Clear, Uvex Supravision CR
Ultravision Transparent Grey + Lens CA Clear, Non- fogging LOW IMPACT